Sök essä
Uppladdad av Engelska | GymnasieuppsatsDolphins
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0Description: DOLPHINS The Bottlenosedolphin is the most known sort of dolphin. It is a fast swimming and playful animal. These dolphins are friendly and intelligent. Their language consists of diffe...
Uppladdad av Religion | Gymnasieuppsatslol
Kategori: Religion | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 3Description: Hinduismen.Hejhej, Nu hade jag tänk och berätta lite om hinduism och deras historia.Hinduismen hur religionen kom till osv.Det bor 900 miljoner människor i Indien m...
Uppladdad av Engelska | GymnasieuppsatsConstitutions
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0Description: Home Essay: Constitutions In this essay, I will present my own opinions on constitutions for five different countries including Sweden, United States of America, Switzerland, C...
Famous doctors
Uppladdad av Engelska | GymnasieuppsatsFamous doctors
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0Description: Elisabeth 18/04/02 History Florence Nightingale Florence Nightingale was born on the 12th of May, 1820 in Florence, Italy. Florence...
Gorillas Chimpanzees and Orangutans
Uppladdad av Engelska | GymnasieuppsatsGorillas Chimpanzees and Orangutans
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0Description: How can we stop the hunting of Great Apes in Africa? Short facts There are three so called \"Great Apes\": gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans. Everyone of these three groups of apes are beeing ...
Carl von Linne
Uppladdad av Engelska | GymnasieuppsatsCarl von Linne
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0Description: /home/mvgplus/public_html/uppsatser_/engelska/Carl von Linne.doc is not a Word Document. It is probably a Rich Text Format file ...
Economic Trends
Uppladdad av Engelska | GymnasieuppsatsEconomic Trends
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0Description: A.G.EDWARDS & SONS,INC. ECONOMIC RESEARCH ---------------------- ECONOMIC TRENDS ---------------------- ...
Uppladdad av Engelska | GymnasieuppsatsFreedom
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0Description: FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION ON THE INTERNET Abstract Freedom of expression is one of the fundaments of dem...
Uppladdad av Engelska | GymnasieuppsatsDancing
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0Description: Introduction I\'ve chosen this subject because of my own interest in dance and where it comes from. As you already know I think dance is a good way to express emotions and feelings to an audience, a...
Film - American Beauty
Uppladdad av Engelska | GymnasieuppsatsFilm - American Beauty
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0Description: American Beauty I think they have lost the love that a normal family should have. Lester (the father) isn\'t comfortable with his marriage, he says that the only reas...