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Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0

Description: Republic of Zambia Introduction In the English subject for class 7A at Vaksalaskolan, Uppsala, I have been asked to make a short writte...

Napoleon Bonaparte

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0

Description: Daniel Westermark Ht 2001 History Pages: Page 1: Beginning, Napoleon Bonaparte, Family Page 2: Napoleon as emperor, Napoleons last will, Battles Page 3: The Egypt battle, The battle in waterl...

Usama Bin Laden

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0

Description: IS BIN LADEN RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WORLD TRADE CENTER BOMBINGS? Usama Bin Laden, Saudi Arabian millionaire and Islamic fundamentalist, was accused in press worldwide since the day after the ho...

Edith Nesbit - The Phoenix and The Carpet 2

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0

Description: Title: The Phoenix and the Carpet Author: Edith Nesbit Written by: Anna Nottberg Subject: English Septembe...

Ernest Hemingway - The Snows of Kilimanjaro

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0

Description: The Snows of Kilimanjaro - Ernest Hemingway T his is a very special book. It\'s neither an ordinary novel, nor a collection of short stories. The book contains several very short reflections, each ...

Ira Levin - A Kiss Before Dying 2

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0

Description: BOOK REWIEW: A Kiss Before Dying by Ira Levin Mattias Perzon N2 Portrait: Burton \"Bud\" Corliss is the murderer a...

Mary Shelley - Frankenstein

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0

Description: Analysis Of Mary Shelly\'s Frankenstein ...

R L Stine - Blind Date

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0

Description: Book report of Blind date by R.L. Stine The book is about this boy. His name is Kerry and last year was he a part of really bad accident in which he lost his memory. But he was...

Rosie Thomas - White

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0

Description: Ylva Lind 2001-03-10 Rosie Thomas ...

En värld full av energi

Kategori: Fysik | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 0

Description: Friskolan Galären 9B En värld full av energi 2000, Lars Löfdahl Oskar Sternulf 9B Innehållsför...