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World War II 2

Rating: 5

Description: Inl„mnings uppgift i Engelska i†k 9 The second world war 1939 - 1941 HITLER OBTAIN THE POWER After the peace in Versailles 1919, Hitler joined DAP, \"Die Deutsche Arbeiter Partei\". In 1920 t...

World War II 1

Rating: 0

Description: The second world war 1939 - 1941 HITLER OBTAIN THE POWER After the peace in Versailles 1919, Hitler joined DAP, \"Die Deutsche Arbeiter Partei\". In 1920 they changed name to NSDAP, National S...


Rating: 0

Description: Table of contents ____________________________________________________________________________ _page___ Table of contents...........................1 Business..............................2 Wo...

United Kingdom

Rating: 0

Description: United Kingdom Surface: 244 110 square kilometres. Nature geography: highest summit: Ben Nevis (1 344 m), longest watercourse: Thames (340 km). Form of government: constitutional monarchy and parl...


Rating: 0

Description: UFO-Sweden [pic] The organization UFO-Sweden (UFO-Sverige) was grounded in 1970. They have investigated reports of UFOs from...

the Year is 2056

Rating: 0

Description: The Year is 2056 Watch your back. Shoot straight. Conserve ammo. And never, ever, cut a deal with a dragon. ...

The US Civil War

Rating: 0

Description: The U.S. Civil war 1861-1865 History The big land we today call America was discovered by Columbus and that led to that many people from Europe went to America to creat...

The Swedish Weapon Export

Rating: 0

Description: The Swedish weapon export must stop! Samuel Eriksson 9C The South African government is today willing to buy the Swedish JAS- aircraft. This has cau...

The special theory of relativity

Rating: 0

Description: The special theory of relativity A n the end of the 19th century physics was in a big dilemma: Maxwells theory for light demanded an ether, wich should produce measurable var...

the Solar System

Rating: 0

Description: Our Solar System at a Glance Information Summary PMS 010-A (JPL) June 1991 JPL 410-34-1 6/91 (Updated 5/93) NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory Californ...