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Livets utveckling

Rating: 0

Description: Livets Utveckling Av: Mattias Edanius SPSIA VT 2001-05-28 Rester eller spår av växter eller djur från tidigare ...

English Literature 1

Rating: 0

Description: The seventeenth century Drama William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Shakespeare was an English playwright and poet. He is generally considered the greatest dramatist the world ...

the French Revolution 1

Rating: 0

Description: The French Revolution Why revolution? The French revolution started in 1789, with Louis XVI as the ruler. There were three Estates...


Rating: 0

Description: Sweden Sweden is the largest of the five Nordic countries. It is long and narrow, with a maximum north-south extent of 1,574 km (978 MI) and a maximum east-west extent of 499 km (310 MI). Sweden sha...

Washington DC

Rating: 0

Description: Washington D.C. Index Introduction and History. 3 Geography 3 Famous Buildings 4 Museums 4 Government 5 Economy 5 Summary 5 Source ...

Charles Darwin

Rating: 0

Description: Charles Robert Darwin Born: 9th of Februar 1809, in Shrewsbury, England Died: 19th of April 1882, in his home in Kent, England Education: ...

Edgar Allan Poe

Rating: 3

Description: Edgar Allan Poe Samuel Eriksson Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston January 18th 1809. In early childhood he became an orphan and was ad...

Atombomben 1

Rating: 0

Description: Det hela började när en idé kläcktes i huvudet på den gamle grekiske filosofen Demokritos. Fyrahundra år före Kristi födelse \"uppfann\" han atomen - från...

Bolivia 1

Rating: 3

Description: HISTORIA Bolivia befolkades redan vid senaste istidens slut av jägare och samlare. En stark kultur föddes på 1200-talet f.Kr i Tiahuanaco, men av en okänd anle...

Brasilien 3

Rating: 0

Description: [pic] Ett arbete i geogra...